Vision , Mission & Goal

Vision, Mission and Core Values
The Vision, Mission Statements and Core values of Sathi Samuha have been revised to reflect the new and expanded portfolio of activities including broader focus on health and livelihood support while retaining the original organizational mandate .

Vision of Sathi Samuha
Our Vision is: To contribute to a society where PLWHAs and those who use drugs have equal rights and access to quality health care and are able to live in a environment free from stigma & discrimination’.
Mission of Sathi Samuha
   Our mission is We are a Non-Governmental Organization which exists to ensure that all PLWHAs & PWUDs have access to health care and live a dignified life. We do this through prevention, referral for treatment, care & support; harm reduction, awareness and advocacy’.
Core Values

·         Confidentiality
·         Friendly and Respectful
·         Team work
·         Integrity
·         Trust

Overall Goal

To reduce the HIV infections among Most at risk populations to at least 30% within three years.